Thread subject: :: Stevenia umbratica or atramentaria ?

Posted by pjoris on 15-11-2011 12:04

Zeegers wrote:
I don't see any discal seta, unless you are referring to some small lateroldiscals, but laterodiscals never qualify as discals !

Yes, indeed I was mixing laterodiscals with the true "discals". I realize also the setae on R4+5 are not a difference between atramentaria and umbratica (but between umbratica and other species). So I guess the only good differences are the discals on T3 and T4 (counting the first visible T as T1+2) and the hairs on the arista, or is dusting on the abdomen also useable. Thanks, Joris

Edited by pjoris on 15-11-2011 12:20