Thread subject: :: Please advise me!

Posted by Sara21392 on 18-07-2011 18:53

Hi All
I have a tree (Ficus carica) that has a problem recently, but I am not sure about its problem. Most of leaves have a kind of web (like Tetranichidae web ), but very compactly! I saw that somethings are between webs, and for sure have checked under microscope.. but unfortunately I couldn’t know them, they are similar to excreta of butterflies.. and I couldn’t find anything more inside of them.. however these leaves finally been necrosis, like burn.. Who can advise me about this problem..??
I'm so sorry, Unfortunately my camera is damaged and these photos don’t have good quality.. :|

Before I’m so thanks to all of you

Edited by Sara21392 on 18-07-2011 18:59