Thread subject: :: Tipulidae > Tipula vernalis

Posted by blowave on 07-06-2011 19:28

Chen Young wrote:
Don't know the species for sure, but the image shows a form of oviposites in species of Tipula (Lunatipula) .

Thanks for the lead Chen. This is a female, I had thought the abdomen was the wrong shape for a male but I didn't know females could have a double ovipositor!

It would then be either Tipula vernalis or T. fascipennis.

For T. vernalis "cerci blunt", the drawing looks the correct shape in the side view but it also states "wings streaky".

For T. fascipennis the cerci looks much narrower in the side view, and is "pointed". "Wings clear faint greyish with a white bar below stigma to hind margin of wing."

The drawing of the cerci should make it Tipula vernalis, the rest I can't make out! The shape of the cerci should be the best clue?