Thread subject: :: Micropeza brevipennis(male)? (Micropeza cf. brevipennis)

Posted by Darwyn Sumner on 08-11-2018 08:22

I don't think so Mucha. The two rings on the hind femur reduce the choice to M. nigra, M. grallatrix, M. lateralis and M. corrigiolata.
It's not the first one as that's so far confined to Turkey. Not the middle two as they have pretty patterned stripes along the sides of the thorax.
Therefore Micropeza corrigiolata

P.S. there's a male M. brevipennis in the Gallery at Oddly that's the only picture of a male on the internet, it occurs in France and Belgium and countries to the east all the way across Europe. Images of females are on Nikola Rahmé's Flickr