Thread subject: :: re: help!!!!!!!

Posted by Kevin Barber on 01-03-2007 00:27

If I understand this properly, the original photo was offered by Brian Reilly (8.viii.2006) and it seems that the fly was identified as a Strongylophthalmyia in the second part of the thread (last post 04.x.2006? from Brian). This is not a Strongylophthalmyia.

I am quite sure that this specimen represents a Cordilura or something close to it in the Scathophagidae -- a group of animals that always gave me trouble at the family level. Of course, Dick Vockeroth could probably nail this to species in a flash. I cannot offer anything beyond consideration of the bottom photo on this page: http://www.cedarc...002ap.html

Because I found this thread while searching for on-line references to Strongylophthalmyia, I would also add that I was very excited to see the link to such a clear photo of Strongylophthalmyia pictipes provided by Kahis (Jere Kahanp??). I have just recently submitted a ms describing a second species of Nearctic Strongylophthalmyia that I believe may be the sister species to S.pictipes, a species I have not yet had an opportunity to examine. Beautiful flies!