Thread subject: :: Curating diptera - HELP MOULD ATTACK!

Posted by conopid on 22-09-2006 10:39

I have very many diptera specimens kept in plastic store boxes. Recently, the specimens in the boxes have been subject to attacks of mould/fungi. I also have many specimens in wooden store boxes and these are not attacked, so I guess that the sealed atmosphere of the plastic boxes is conducive to mould. Thankfully, I have been able to rescue the vast majority of specimens by cleaning them with alcohol, using a fine brush. I would appreciate some advice from Museum professionals and amatuer dipterists on preventing mould.

An additional note. My collection is housed in a dry-lined cellar, in which I run a de-humidifier. However I am now suspecting that the atmosphere in this room is still too humid and theerfore not suitable, so I am going to move the boxes into a room in another part of the house, where the atmosphere should be less humid. My guess is that this is the root of the problem, as my collection has never experienced mould attacks as frequently as in the last year (I moved the collection into the newly dry lined cellar about 18 months ago).

Can anyone advise:
1. Will moving the collection to a better aired room help to prevent attacks?
2. To 'sterilise' the boxes against any unoticed mould, I am leaving them open in a warm dry room for a few days - will this help to kill any spores off ? I am assuming that spores need a humid atmosphere to thrive.
3. Would anyone recommend NOT using plastic store boxes, or is it safe to do so, as long as they are kept in very dry conditions?

All advice appreciated!