Thread subject: :: Gordon's Thai Project.

Posted by Gordon on 07-09-2010 12:50

I guess this should be in general whatsits:@ but I said I would put it here so I have.

To collect legally in Thailand you need to have a government approved project. I am hoping that by being a full-time resident and by working in harmony with only a couple of local National Parks, ones that are not as well studied as Doi Inthanon, that I will be able to get such a project together. With luck this will allow me to collect in some nice habitats here in far northern Thailand.

As you all know, when dealing with bureaucracy:@ it is best to have grand sounding names etc. I will be working partly with the NHM London, they will get most of the beetles, and a group of Romanian microhymenopterists (whom some of you now know) So I will present the project with a list of associates and (where possible) their institutes. I am sure some of you would like to receive material as well.

So if you would like to be in on the submitted project add your name, institute and group below. I am sorry I will not have time to dry and pin stuff. I will most likely be restricted to Yellowpan trapping and hand netting (because of lack of funds). Also I will be sorting with a x10 hand lens only, unless I find a microscope somewhere that I can use. So separating out the smaller acalyptrata may be problematical, you know I am not much good as a dipterist really;).

I am sure promising to return info to the relevant authorities of Lam Nam Kok National Park will help, and perhaps some determined material to Chiang Mai University, so there will be a commitment to get some stuff determined fairly quickly.

I will keep people informed as things develop.:D or don't:(

Edited by Gordon on 07-09-2010 14:35