Thread subject: :: Connoisseurs in Leucopis?

Posted by Steve Gaimari on 31-08-2010 03:55

Hi - just read this - sorry a week late, but I've been on vacation this last week. In any case, I would tend to disagree that chamaemyiids in Europe are that poorly known. Certainly Europe is the by far the best known fauna for the family, thanks to the 50 year career of Vitali Tanasijtshuk in St Petersburg. My guess is that most Leucopis (males) you have will be identifiable - not to say there aren't new species - there certainly are, but it is far from poorly known in that region. They are definitely not an easy group in any case, and they are a group that people tend not to put off for a later date! I have all the literature for the European species, and specimens of nearly all of them. Anyway, I'm happy to field further inquiries on the subject!