Thread subject: :: Dolichopodidae, nE HU, 05.2010

Posted by pwalter on 03-05-2010 19:52

Hi, this was about 3 mms long, on a rock in the mountains, but not far from a lake. Can someone help?

Posted by Stefan Naglis on 03-05-2010 20:49

Sybistroma inornatus Lw. (formerly Hercostomus).

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 04-05-2010 23:38

Sybistroma inornata

Posted by Stephen R on 06-05-2010 13:55

Why isn't it Sybistroma inornatum? Sybistroma is neuter (as in Sybistroma sciophilum (Loew)).


Edited by Stephen R on 06-05-2010 14:01

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 14-05-2010 09:31

Stephen, the gender of Sybistroma cannot be neuter, as Meigen (1824) originally included Sybistroma nodicornis in the genus (neuter gender should be nodicorne). Therefore, all -us and -um names must be changed into -a in this ginus.

Posted by Stefan Naglis on 14-05-2010 12:45

Igor, in his revision of the world genera of Dolichopodinae, Brooks (2005, p. 113) transferred the species to Sybistroma and used Sybistroma inornatus.


Posted by Stephen R on 14-05-2010 19:51

Thanks Igor and Sefan.

There seems to be plenty of confusion about this! All three genders seem to be in use for different species in the genus; authors who used the neuter probably made the same mistake I did in assuming the etymology had something to do with the Greek stroma (=bed, substrate), but that can't be right, both for the reason Igor gives and because there is no Greek root to account for the 'sybi' bit. Probably Meigen named the genus after a person (or a place) called Sybistrom or something similar, in which case the feminine gender would have been quite natural. I can't see why some authors have chosen a masculine form.

Does Meigen give an etymology?


Posted by Igor Grichanov on 15-05-2010 09:16

Stephen, unfortunately Meigen did not give etymology. And a few species were described originally in this genus with feminine ending (none with masculine one):
Sybistroma americana Schiner, 1868,
Sybistroma setosa Schiner, 1862,
Sybistroma lenkoranica Negrobov, 1979
Henk Meuffels (teacher of Latin) has not found Greek/Latin meenings for this word