Posted by Paul Beuk on 17-05-2005 13:34
Matthieu wrote:
I'm new to this forum and to ... diptera! The one I saw convinces me to look closer at these insects.
I thought it could be Chaetorellia carthami; I received another suggestion: Orellia tussilaginis or "affiliated".
congratulations for this very useful site!:):)
As far as I can tell it is an
Orellia, of which I only have data on
O. falcata. These data fit the species here. However, there are two other species of which I do not know how they differ from
O. falcata.
The species you mention,
Chaetorellia carthami, should have a pair of presutural dorsocentral setae, but these are absent.
The species '
tussilaginis is now placed in the genus
Orellia as restricted nowadays has the very long extension of the anal cell, as is present in this species.
And thanks for the congratulations, though, being a member, you should congratulate yourself: It is the members who make the site what it is. ;)