Thread subject: :: Heleomyza borealis ?

Posted by Roger Thomason on 11-03-2010 21:47

phil withers wrote:
Spectacularly bonkers, as we have come to expect from the hairy one ! (Reminds me of Donald Roller Wilson, so beloved of Frank Zappa)

:D Nicest thing I've been called in years, thanks Phil. If some more of you people would submit photo's of yourselves in the Portraits thread, then I could give poor ol' Jorge a rest.
I'm not as clever as DR Wilson, I just used a couple of clips from a great advert for something as mundane as car insurance that has been running in the UK for a while;
I cobbled it together in about 20 minutes, I should have used a better shape of fly on Jorge's nose (Drosophilidae), a bluebottle would have shown up better. Such is life.
Got to go now.. :| PB :| is slagging off :S Hugo Chavez..B)...can't have that. :@