Thread subject: :: Collaboration with Biodiversidad Virtual

Posted by Marc Pollet on 26-03-2010 23:01

Estimado Guillermo,

No desculpeme nada, caro Roger, para no ser capaz entender otra lingua que inglés como usted.

Sorry, Roger, but, please, try to understand that I like other languages (than Dutch) so much and that I do not have sufficient exercise to practise them, that I take any opportunity to use them.

Guillermo, incluame, por favor, in su lista de especialistas taxonomicos, principalmente para la familia de moscas de largas patas, Dolichopodidae.
[Guillermo (I guess that does not need any translation, does it?], please, include me in your list of taxonomic experts, in particular for the family of Dolichopodidae; that should not be too hard to translate, should it?]

A su servicio [At your service]
Con saludos cordlales [With warm regards]