Thread subject: :: On the pair Gonia divisa/foersteri

Posted by KWQ on 18-02-2010 14:38

I was just comparing two Gonias collected least spring in the south-western archipelago of Finland using the T & H key.

And I was surprised, the other of my yellow-headed (not whitish nor yellowish pollinose) specimens keyed out right in G. foersteri , which would be a Central European rarity! Far out...
I had 2 divisa specimens at hand and the differences were as follows:

Divisa: Abdomen largely red at sides. Width of parafacialia slightly narrower than width of eye

"Foersteri-candidate": Abdomen practically black with only a slight trace of red coloration at sides. Width of parafacialia the same or slightly more than width of eye.

At this guess I would simply presume this lies within the variation of divisa, but could anyone confirm this or somehow comment this case/these species?