Thread subject: :: Tachinidae - Trigonospila transvittata from SPAIN

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 17-01-2010 02:25

Paqui... the another Trigonospila known for Europe is T. ludio that is photographed here: http://www.h3.dio...5-128.html .
This is a Trigonospila transvittata that Francisco showed to me.
As you are aware the name transvittata means transversal vittae that is the case for the two photos above and the links that you showed as well. In ludio, the species is more greyish and has no complete transversal vittae as the P. transvittata. Of course, I'm open to someone disagree with the ID of this one. I agreed with the ID given in those links you gave, but without the cf.

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 17-01-2010 02:29