Thread subject: :: How to preparate Turbellarians?

Posted by Kahis on 09-10-2009 22:21

Of course I do. Who doesnt :)

The answer depends on the indended use. For identification "it is necessary to have a combination of drawings or photographs and notes from life, a whole mount where possible, and sections for anatomical reconsitruction"

"fixation for light microscopy is achieved with most standard fixatives. Fr large worms formalin (around 8% by volume) is suitable.

"for most microturbellarians there is little point in making whole mounts except to preserve and reveal hard structures for fixation often renders most anatomical details unobservable"

Quotes from Higgings & Thiel, "Introduction to the Study of Meiofauna".

Edited by Kahis on 09-10-2009 22:28