Thread subject: :: Fagisyrphus cinctus ? ID ok?
Posted by brigitteu on 02-08-2009 02:29
Location: highmoore, near like zurich, switzerland
date: 01.08.09
size: about 10 mm
unfortunately I found no pic to Fagisyrphus cinctus in the gallery - or I overlooked.
Is it the correct ID?
Thanks, Brigitte
Edited by brigitteu on 02-08-2009 02:32
Posted by pierred on 02-08-2009 08:14
Fagisyrphus cinctus (Fallén, 1817) is called
Melangyna cincta in van Veen's book and
Meligramma cincta in Fauna europaea. There are two pictures of a male in the gallery under this last name. Your specimen is yet another genus.
Meliscaeva cinctella?
Edited by pierred on 02-08-2009 08:18
Posted by brigitteu on 03-08-2009 17:52
this hoverfly seemed (for me) "wider" and "rounder" as Meliscaeva cinctella - in this reason I thought of Meligramma cincta.
Thank you!
Regards, Brigitte
Posted by pierred on 05-08-2009 06:51
In the gallery, you have the male and the female. This latter one is wider and rounder, as you say.
Posted by brigitteu on 05-08-2009 23:02
so you tend to Meligramma cincta too?
Posted by Andre on 06-08-2009 19:52
Meliscaeva cinctella female.