Thread subject: :: free fall ... Acrocera orbiculus

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 24-07-2009 20:00

So, this shows that Acrocera sanguinea has a great variability. Not so much as the Cyrtus gibbus (the differences resides in the patterns of the abdomen.)

I would like to hear opinions about these 3 specimens. They look rather interesting. (ok... opinion a little biased :) )

The first photo (specimen) shows a very reddish abdomen than yellowish/beije. The specimen of Isidro has a remarkable pattern on the scutum. The specimens of Serra da Estrela has the scutum all black. Also among the specimens of Serra da Estrela there are differences in size that can be comparable! 3 mm to 6 mm. And differences on abdomen can be seen as well. The last specimen has yellowish hues in the abdomen and there are no triangular spots visible. The first specimen I showed has a very weak triangular spot.

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 25-07-2009 08:59