Thread subject: :: Another fly... of Viseu

Posted by Kahis on 14-06-2006 12:08

In this case I had to rely mostly on intuition. Unfortunately the best character (shape of 2nd anal vein on wing) does not photograph well in the field. It is not seen in this photo.

The only somewhat useful character visible is setae of hind tibia. Fannidae have two dorsal setae (a preapical near the distal end and a mid-dorsal) and normally few other setae on the upper side of the 3rd tibia. Anthomyiidae do normally have a richer chaetotaxy with several anterodorsals and posterodorsals. In general Anthomyiids have longer and more setae and hairs on the body than Fannidae.

The moderately flattened abdomen with smoothy rounded margins is common to all (?) male Fannidae. Male anthomyiids are usually wither less flattened (cylindrical) or strongly flattened with conpicuous male terminalia.

With some experience male fannids are easily identified to genus level in the fields. I find females more difficult as some smallish muscidae (Thricopus, Hydrotaea, Hebecnema) closely resemble female fannids in body form and color. Under a microscope these cause no problem.