Thread subject: :: Villa modesta?, North Sweden.

Posted by viktor j nilsson on 08-08-2008 14:33

Hi, any chance this Villa sp. can be ID'd from a photograph?
The range of possible species is quite limited here, as it is photographed in Ume?, Sweden, at 65 degrees North. Of the genus Villa, only modesta, occulta and hottentotta has been reported this far north in Sweden, and I doubt hottentotta can look like this. Can this be identified as V. modesta?


(photo taken by Katarina Stenman)

Edited by viktor j nilsson on 08-08-2008 14:35

Posted by David Gibbs on 08-08-2008 16:17

Why do you exclude hottentotta? looks like one to me. it appears to be a male but i cannot see silvery tegula so (if this is really the case) it should not be modesta.

Posted by viktor j nilsson on 14-08-2008 15:13

I have paid only casual attention to these flies, and I thought that the tergites of hottentotta should have a more "striped" appearance. I hadn't really realized that the transverse stripes on the tergites of hottentotta are dustspots, and as such are easily worn off (or be less visible in some angles). I think that you are right about hottentotta, but I will wait until I catch some.

Posted by Kahis on 14-08-2008 20:21

It is a male hottentotta. In this species only the females have strong bands of short yellow hairs on the abdomen.