Thread subject: :: Gonia.

Posted by Zeegers on 28-04-2006 08:12

As you have noticed, I took my time.
Needed to check a few things.
And with good reason!

So here it is:
* the head is definitely yellow-orange, which makes as spring species only divisa and foersteri possible.
* the pollinosity on the abdomen, sharp narrow bands on tergites, is remarkable like divisa !
* there are orange spots on the abdomen, though small.

It turns out that foersteri doesn't have bands on pollinosity on the abdomen (Mesnil in Lindner).

So, if we are not tricked here by light and/of flash, this leaves only one conclusion:

it is a melanistic form of G. divisa.

True, I have never seen this, but melanistic forms are not that rare in G. ornata, for instance.

Of course, such abberant forms are very difficult to be recognized, so thinking about foersteri was actually quite natural
