Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae: Scoliocentra sackeni (Garrett) - male genitalia

Posted by Tony T on 21-04-2008 00:53

Andrzej wrote:

Tony could you check by the male specimen the number of prosternal bristles (1 pair or more than 2 pairs) and the hind femur (if without brush-like spines or with such bristles on the lower inner side) ??.

Very cleary there is just 1 pair of prosternal bristles. Unfortunately the hind legs broke off when I removed the abdomen. I have the legs but not sure which is outer or inner. Either way, I cannot see any spines on the lower part of the femur.

Valery wrote "No microscope used? Just a reverted wideangle objective? And the system of sledges to move the camera slowly you have depicted?"

No microscope - not necessary! But for this image I used a 10x microscope objective connected to some extensions tubes (see photo) and then connected to a bellows, the bellows attached to the camera.
The total length of extension was 160mm which I believe is the length that these microscope objectives are designed for.
For such small specimens, in this case the genital capsule if just greater than 1mm, one has to use a microscope objective.
For larger specimens a reversed wide angle lens is OK and for an entire fly a regular lens on extensions tubes or bellows.
One can move either the camera or the specimen. I always move the specimen.

None of my techniques are my originals, they are all standard methodology for macrophotography.