Thread subject: :: Pest Control by Freezing

Posted by Tony Irwin on 25-03-2008 15:37

I agree with Susan. in fact it's not a bad idea to seal the storebox in a polythene bag before freezing as well. The recommended temperature is -30 for two days, but if your freezer does less than this, freeze once, then allow to come to room temperature for a couple of weeks then freeze again. The theory is that eggs which may survive the initial freezing will hatch and the young larvae will be killed by the second freeze. However there is some debate about whether this actually the case. Ideally freeze to something near -30 if you can. Chest freezers usually approach this - upright frezers are not usually so good. Ice boxes (as found in old fridges) are no good at all - most insects can survive the few degrees of frost they generate.