Posted by Asilus on 24-03-2008 16:10
The journal of the Norwegian Entomological Society, Norwegian Journal of Entomology, is a well established publication. The first edition of Norwegian Journal of Entomology (Norsk Entomologisk Tidsskrift) was published in 1921. In 1978, the name was changed to Fauna Norvegica Series B, and in 1999, the original name was taken back into use. Complete issue's untill 1978 are now available online: From 1999 --> all abstracts and some full articles are available as well. Further issues and full volumes after 1999 will hopefully be available soon.
Norwegian Journal of Entomology:
Posted by Asilus on 08-12-2008 18:32
Further issues available online!
Complete issues untill 2000 are now available online. Supplement I, 1948 by Leif R. Natvig
(Contributions to the Knowledge of the Danish and Fennoscandian Mosquitoes; Culicini) and Supplement II, 1957 by Ragnhild Sundby (The parasites of Phyllocnistis labyrinthella Bjerk. and their relation to the population dynamics of the leaf-miner), are also available as PDF. For download visit