Thread subject: :: Odiniidae revision

Posted by phil withers on 05-03-2008 00:31

I am currently working towards a revision of palaearctic Odiniidae: any specimens gratefully received (warning: I will cut them up !)

Posted by crex on 05-03-2008 08:28

Are you investigating the DNA or why are you cutting them up? B)

Posted by phil withers on 05-03-2008 08:39

Cutting the back ends off to make genitalia mounts: nothing as sophisticated as DNA evaluation !

Posted by Jan Willem on 05-03-2008 11:54

Hi Phil,

I will do my best to sort out some material and send it to you!

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 11-03-2008 14:53

really it is easy to extract the DNA of any thing (I managed to get out onion DNA :d). :D The problem is reading the bases. :D

Posted by Kahis on 11-03-2008 16:20

phil withers wrote:
Cutting the back ends off to make genitalia mounts: nothing as sophisticated as DNA evaluation !

Are you interested in single females?

That is, female odinids collected without males :p As you know, netted material of this family tend to be mostly females. I'd like to know where the males spend their time - higher up in the canopy perhaps?

Posted by phil withers on 11-03-2008 17:01

Always interested in single females (!): I think I might make some progress with evaluation of spermathecae. As to the behaviour of males, they are relatively well represented in collections from wine-traps, but rare (as you correctly state) in nature...or our appreciation of nature anyway. It might be that a) they fly higher than our nets reach, b) they don't feed as adults, so don't live very long or c) behave like typical males and hang around on street corners waiting for the girls to go past.