Thread subject: :: Tachinidae ID genus ?
Posted by Oryctes on 07-12-2024 11:23

Oryctes : France : Lille : 59000 : 02/08/2024
Altitude : 40 m - Taille : 7 mm (estimation)
Réf. : 352828
I found this Tachinidae during the summer in a small urban park in Lille (north of France). I was astonished and intrigued when seeing the profile of the head. So I would like identify the insect. I am aware that the photo is not very precise but is it still possible to designate a genus ?
Thank you for your opinions.
Posted by eklans on 07-12-2024 12:17
Hello Dominique, if my eyes don't deceive me it's probably a male
Eriothrix rufomaculata.
Posted by Zeegers on 07-12-2024 13:17
Seems to be an Eriothrix
Posted by Oryctes on 07-12-2024 13:18
Many thanks, Eric, for your almost unexpected response. Definitely with this fly I go from surprise to surprise because, honestly, I did not expect a species to be identifiable, and I had eliminated the genus
Eriothrix because of the often reddening abdomen for this genus, but apparently I was wrong !
Posted by Oryctes on 07-12-2024 13:21
And thank you, Theo, for your approval of Eric's identification !
Posted by eklans on 07-12-2024 15:40
If you look through the wing and barely above you may see the red side of the abdomen (female's abdomen is more distinctly red). And I think I see the petiolate R5 at the wing edge, too.