Thread subject: :: Calliopum? --> Calliopum cf. simillimum

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 04-12-2024 17:10

I sighted this 6-7mm fly at the edge of the forest for stinging nettle.
Can the fly be identified?

Best regards,

Edited by Bernd Rottenburger on 05-12-2024 16:14

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 04-12-2024 17:10

Bild 2

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 04-12-2024 17:12

Bild 3

Posted by Juergen Peters on 04-12-2024 19:50

Calliopum aeneum/simillimum (with the greenish gloss more likely aeneum).

P.S.: Even including the long wings not 7 mm...

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 04-12-2024 22:12

Thank you very much Jürgen

Posted by Paul Beuk on 05-12-2024 10:43

The body colour in aeneum and simillimum is identical. If that had not been the case there would have been many more certain identifications of these species in the forum and elsewhere on the internet. It is mostly male genitalia and leg structure and female terminalia that lead to proper identification. From what I can see of the female terminalia in the last photo I am inlined towards C. simillimum...

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 05-12-2024 16:13

Thanks for the explanation

Best regards,

Posted by Juergen Peters on 05-12-2024 22:00

Hello Paul,

ok. I had read about that character here some time ago. I thought, the greenish glance could actually be lost in reared specimens.