Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 02-12-2024 15:12
Hello, this specimen was collected in Romania, in August 2024, in Danube Delta, near the Black Sea shore, using YPT.
It is possible to tell more than Scatopsidae?

Posted by Colobo on 02-12-2024 21:46
This is a representative of tribe Rhegmoclematini, most probably a female of genus
Parascatopse . Some halophilous species are frequently found near sea-shore.
Is the antennal flagellum 8-segmented ?
Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 05-12-2024 09:25
Hello, thanks for your message! The picture is not very recent, as the specimen is now in a tube in the freezer. But when I will have time to search for it, I will provide more pictures also with the antennae.
All the best,