Thread subject: :: Drosophilidae > Drosophila ? repleta

Posted by jck on 02-12-2024 08:52

Is it possible to ID this fly? Found in a compost bin, Scotland on 15/10/2023.


Edited by jck on 03-12-2024 10:24

Posted by jck on 02-12-2024 08:52


Edited by jck on 02-12-2024 08:53

Posted by Jan Maca on 02-12-2024 20:23

Drosophila repleta, I would say. Is it possible to make a better picture of the wing?

Posted by jck on 03-12-2024 10:24

I'm sorry, these are the only photos I managed to take before it disappeared back into the compost bin.
