Posted by Oryctes on 22-11-2024 16:14

Oryctes : France : Villeneuve-d'Ascq : 59650 : 15/08/2024
Altitude : 30 m - Taille : 2-3 mm (estimation)
Réf. : 352450

Oryctes : France : Villeneuve-d'Ascq : 59650 : 15/08/2024
Altitude : NR - Taille : 2-3 mm (estimation)
Réf. : 352451

Oryctes : France : Villeneuve-d'Ascq : 59650 : 15/08/2024
Altitude : NR - Taille : 2-3 mm (estimation)
Réf. : 352471
I found this little fly on August 15th of this year in a wasteland of a humid wooded area in Villeneuve d'Ascq (Nord department in France). The insect was moving quickly on a leaf of pedunculate oak (
Quercus robur).
Could it be for this Agromyzidae the genus Calycomyza ? If so, it would be the first time I have met this genus in my region.
Thank you in advance for your opinion.
Posted by Oryctes on 28-11-2024 19:16
No ideas for this little Agromyzidae ?
To tell the truth, it was while reading a topic posted here[url]
that I suggested the genus
Calycomyza for my fly. In fact I find my fly identical to that of this subject. Unfortunately the topic I am quoting had not received a response at the time.
Thank you in advance for your answers.