Thread subject: :: Chloropidae, Chlorops interruptus Meigen, 1830

Posted by DedeLab on 20-11-2024 14:37

Here is a Chloropidae found on the edge of a damp ditch.
The costal vein fades just after the last radial: it is a Chloropinae.
The key leads us to Chlorops.
It looks a lot like Chlorops interruptus but it does not appear to have a clear longitudinal band across the top of the abdomen (Cf this post : https://diptera.i..._id=108315.
What do you think please?
Location: Canohès (Pyrénées-Orientales, France); Altitude: 100m; Date: October 22, 2024; Insect size: about 5 mm
ANDRE LABETAA : France : Canohès : 66680 : 22/10/2024
Altitude : 100 - Taille : 5 mm environ
Réf. : 350585
ANDRE LABETAA : France : Canohès : 66680 : 22/10/2024
Altitude : 100 - Taille : 5 mm environ
Réf. : 350663
ANDRE LABETAA : France : Canohès : 66680 : 22/10/2024
Altitude : 100 - Taille : 5 mm environ
Réf. : 350666

Edited by DedeLab on 04-12-2024 16:50