Thread subject: :: Scathophagidae - Scathophaga ... (female)

Posted by Liliane D on 19-11-2024 12:58

In the south of France on 17 November 2024.
The body is about 8 mm long.
Thank you for your help with the identification

Edited by Liliane D on 19-11-2024 19:04

Posted by Liliane D on 19-11-2024 12:59

Other view

Posted by John Carr on 19-11-2024 13:58

Not Lauxaniidae. I think it is one of the pale Scathophaga.

Posted by Liliane D on 19-11-2024 16:08

Thank you very much John,
This is the first time I see a scathophagidae in my garden.
If I have understood correctly there are 26 species in France! For now, I am eliminating S. furcata because I don’t see a grey band on the femur 1. I am also eliminating S. stercoraria because the one I photographed is not hairy enough.
Think we can see a female?
Are the Scathopha all coprophages?

Posted by John Carr on 19-11-2024 16:50

See The identification guide for the British Isles should work in France most of the time. You may have some additional species.

Quoting that page: "The family are often known as `dung-flies', but this is not a particularly appropriate name because only about five or six species in the genus Scathophaga are actually dung breeders."

Edited by John Carr on 19-11-2024 16:50

Posted by Liliane D on 19-11-2024 19:09

Thank you for this information,
I am not comfortable enough with English to browse the site.
With so many species I do not think my photos show the criteria that allow to go to the species.
It’s already very interesting for me to discover a new family and a new genus in my garden. And to know that the reputation of the Scathophaga is not always fair ;)