Thread subject: :: Dolichocephala irrorata ?

Posted by Oryctes on 07-11-2024 11:30
Oryctes : France : Villeneuve-d'Ascq : 59650 : 23/08/2024
Altitude : 26 m - Taille : Un peu moins de 3 mm (estimation)
Réf. : 351799
Oryctes : France : Villeneuve-d'Ascq : 59650 : 23/08/2024
Altitude : NR - Taille : Un peu moins de 3 mm (estimation)
Réf. : 351800

I found this original little fly in August of this year. It was moving on the low vegetation in a wooded and humid area in Villeneuve d'Ascq (Nord department in France). I had found a fly of the same genus Dolichocephala in May in another environment, in Lille, identified on this site as "D. guttata or oblongoguttata" but it seems to me that this fly of August belongs to another species : based on the shape, number and distribution of the spots on the wings I think it could rather be the species D. irrorata.
What is your opinion on this ? Thank you in advance.