Thread subject: :: Eumerus funeralis - Romania
Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 01-10-2024 14:00
Hello, I've got this female Eumerus yesterday, inside the building, in Romania, near the Black Sea coast. It is Eumerus strigatus or funeralis or something else?
Thanks in advance!

Edited by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 06-11-2024 20:08
Posted by Karsten Thomsen on 16-10-2024 10:36
If there is a shiny hairless section on the basal underside of the hind femur, is is
funeralis. If not,
striagatus. My guess is funeralis.
Edited by Karsten Thomsen on 16-10-2024 10:36
Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 22-10-2024 13:01
Thank you very much, Karsten! It is indeed E. funeralis, I just checked my specimen.
Posted by Karsten Thomsen on 05-11-2024 17:33
You should edit the title bar in accordance with ID.