Thread subject: :: Astochia caspica sienkiewiczi Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania

Posted by JWV on 29-07-2024 11:10

Hi all,

As I couldn't find any pictures of this species online, let alone this subspecies, I thought I'd post them here. In the beginning of this month I visited Sfantu Gheorghe in the Danube Delta, Romania for a few days. This Astochia species was quite common in the dunes bordering the sea and the salt-marsh Juncus-vegetation more land inwards. As far as I know this is the online reliable place in visitable Europe that one can encounter this species.

The male/female-ratio was heavily female orientated in the sense that I encountered 1 male in approx. 5-10 females. Maybe because it was already quite late in the season for this species?

Enjoy the pictures,


Edited by JWV on 29-07-2024 11:14