Thread subject: :: Dasysyrphus pinastri or tricinctus?

Posted by sbushes on 22-04-2024 08:20

Reykjavik, Iceland yesterday - in dead wood under conifers.

Only two species from genus known to be in Iceland
Is this pinastri or tricinctus?


Edited by sbushes on 22-04-2024 08:28

Posted by sbushes on 22-04-2024 08:26


Posted by sbushes on 22-04-2024 08:27


Edited by sbushes on 22-04-2024 08:27

Posted by sbushes on 22-04-2024 10:16

and pupa or larva? :)

Posted by eklans on 22-04-2024 10:57

Larva Dasysyrphus sp.

Posted by sbushes on 26-04-2024 21:10

thanks! mean... not possible to determine whether pinastri or tricinctus?

Posted by eklans on 27-04-2024 11:00

I don't have a key to identify the species level.