Thread subject: :: Hypovoria, likely (Theo Zeegers); SW Spain

Posted by Andre Burgers on 21-04-2024 13:58

Last Friday I photographed this Tachinid fly. I have no idea about its identity. :|

It didn't give me a chance for a second photo.


Edited by Andre Burgers on 23-04-2024 18:45

Posted by Zeegers on 21-04-2024 15:50

A Voriini. No lateral available ?


Posted by Andre Burgers on 21-04-2024 17:18

No, no lateral photo available.
After this first photo it took off. :|

Voriini is perfect! Bedankt weer, Theo!|t

Posted by Zeegers on 21-04-2024 19:18

It is very likely Hypovoria, and not Voria. Also given time of year.
But I cant be sure.


Posted by Andre Burgers on 23-04-2024 18:45

Thanks, Theo. A likely Hypovoria is even better than its tribe.