Thread subject: :: Sciomyzidae

Posted by christoophe on 10-03-2024 21:34

Collected in the south of France.
proepisternum with strong seta
anterior tibia with a single preapical seta
anal vein reaches posterior edge of wing
presence of a single fo
size 8mm
But it's not Ditaeniella grisescens.


Edited by christoophe on 10-03-2024 21:46

Posted by christoophe on 10-03-2024 21:40


Posted by christoophe on 10-03-2024 21:41


Posted by christoophe on 10-03-2024 21:42


Posted by christoophe on 10-03-2024 21:43

leg 1

Posted by christoophe on 10-03-2024 21:44


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 13-03-2024 17:06

Yes, not Ditaeniella, but Pherbellia with only one frontal seta. Sometimes one may born without hand, sometimes with only one fo seta.
Pherbellia of difficult group with short midfrontal stripe. Possibly Ph. albicarpa

Edited by Nikita Vikhrev on 13-03-2024 17:11

Posted by christoophe on 14-03-2024 10:53

Thank you Nikita.
I think it's Pherbellia knutsoni. I found Verbeke's publication (1967).
Yes, it is a very difficult genus where the examination of the genitalia is crucial.