Thread subject: :: Lispe - L. nana

Posted by Sundew on 10-11-2023 03:32

On October 2nd I observed several specimens of two Lispe species on the shore of a lake in southern Brandenburg. One turned out to be L. tentaculosa (since it was a male, easily recognizable by its peculiar front feet, 3 post dc setae and long av setae on femur 3). Here I show you the other species. All individuals seemed to be females that were running around, stopping now and then to obviously lay eggs in the wet sand. Their abdomen had contrasting markings and their tibiae were red, so no L. tentaculosa. For Brandenburg the following other species have been recorded: caesia, consanguinea, pygmaea, superciliosa, uliginosa. Is there a suitable match?
Many thanks for help, Sundew

Edited by Sundew on 15-11-2023 19:35