Thread subject: :: Tiny Ceratopgonidae (Forcipomyia?)
Posted by weia on 01-11-2023 10:36
Likely a female Forcipomyia, but not sure. I found it dead, wing width is only 0.61mm, so very small. Are there maybe keys with wing pictures? Netherlands.
Edited by weia on 01-11-2023 10:44
Posted by John Carr on 01-11-2023 14:44
I agree with
Forcipomyia. I can not help with species ID.
Wing patterns in
Forcipomyia are rarely distinctive. Most species have uniformly colored wings or a pale spot at the tip of R1.
Posted by weia on 01-11-2023 19:11
OK, thanks. Maybe wing width/length could help to exclude some species, but not all.
Posted by John Carr on 01-11-2023 19:13
The ratio of lengths of the first two tarsomeres of the hind leg is helpful in distinguishing subgenera. The first tarsomere tends to be shorter in subgenus
Forcipomyia than in other subgenera.
Posted by weia on 01-11-2023 19:31
I don't think that is visible in this picture...
Edited by weia on 01-11-2023 19:31
Posted by John Carr on 01-11-2023 19:47
Probably subgenus