Thread subject: :: Pherbellia ID Poland > Ph. silana

Posted by Maks Syratt on 29-10-2023 23:44

I would greatly appreciate some help with this sciomyzid found this April in S Poland. I have looked through the Sciomyzidae of Scandinavia, but I can't seem to find a perfect match.
Many thanks in advance.

Edited by Maks Syratt on 04-11-2023 13:48

Posted by Maks Syratt on 29-10-2023 23:53

Image 2

Posted by Maks Syratt on 29-10-2023 23:54

Image 3

Posted by Maks Syratt on 29-10-2023 23:54

Image 4

Posted by Maks Syratt on 29-10-2023 23:54

Image 5

Edited by Maks Syratt on 29-10-2023 23:55

Posted by Maks Syratt on 29-10-2023 23:56

Image 6

Posted by Jan Maca on 31-10-2023 10:36

It is Pherbellia silana. Determined by Jiří Preisler.,

Posted by Maks Syratt on 31-10-2023 18:05

Thank you very much!

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 31-10-2023 21:27

One more opinion.
1. I'm not at all convinced that Ph. silana exists.
2. Thus, why it is not old and good Fallen's Ph. ventralis ?

Posted by Jan Maca on 01-11-2023 09:42

Jiri Preisler noted: At least according to this paper P. silqana is a good species:
Leo Rivosechi (1989)
Fragm. entomol., Roma 21 (2): 153-161
Note sugli Sciomyzidae IX. Due nuove specie del genere Pherbellia
provenienti dallˇItalia meridionale.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 01-11-2023 21:59

Jan, I agree that according to Rivosechi Ph. silana is a good species.
But the shape of genitalia is strongly depended on the angle of view. Thus, it isn't easy to interpret genitalic difference.

Posted by Maks Syratt on 02-11-2023 23:06

I have managed to find Rozkosny's key to the Pherbellia of the Palaearctic and looked at the terminalia at various angles under the microscope. I did not observe the posterior part of the gonostylus to be bifid, which according to the key should mean this is indeed Ph. silana