Thread subject: :: Calliphoridae? Ecuador > Tachinidae Winthemiini cf. Winthemia

Posted by Isidro on 16-10-2023 11:26

Baños de Agua Santa, Andes of Ecuador
Size as a common blowfly

Edited by Isidro on 17-10-2023 08:41

Posted by eklans on 16-10-2023 12:26

I think it's one of the Tachinidae - Winthemia?

Posted by Isidro on 16-10-2023 12:30

Many thanks eklans, I will look in this genus!

Posted by John Carr on 16-10-2023 13:40

I think it is at least Winthemiini. If it is Winthemia I do not see the details necessary to key it.

Reinhard, H. J. 1931. Revision of the American parasitic flies belonging to the genus Winthemia. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 79 (Art. 20) [= No. 2886]: 1–54 + 1 pl.

Coelho, Sonia M. P. et al. 1989. Chave e sinonímias para as espécies sul-americanas de Winthemia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera, Tachinidae) com descrição de três espécies novas. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 6(2):271-296

Posted by Isidro on 16-10-2023 23:29

Thanks John! It's Sonia Coelho still active in entomology? Maybe she could recognize the fly by general appareance despite not being possible to key it?

Posted by John Carr on 16-10-2023 23:43

I know nothing about Sonia Coelho. Of the other coauthors Jose Guimarães died in 2008 and Claudio J. B. De Carvalho appears to be still working on Diptera: https://cjbcarva....odiversity.

Edited by John Carr on 16-10-2023 23:43

Posted by Isidro on 17-10-2023 08:40

Thanks, I will try to contact Carvalho!