Thread subject: :: Steganinae from Canary Islands -> Cacoxenus subg Gitonides

Posted by Carnifex on 22-09-2023 22:20

Not my own photos, but I got permission by the observer to make the request here:

La Gomera, Sept 2023

Edited by Carnifex on 24-09-2023 22:18

Posted by Andrzej on 23-09-2023 01:13

It's a Drosophila species: repleta species-group

Posted by Carnifex on 23-09-2023 09:20

I don't think so - the dark spots are too large, to manny bristles on the thorax and general shape says not a Drosophilid. Note also theremarkable eye stripe.
I was going into the direction of a Cacoxenus species

Posted by nielsyese on 23-09-2023 17:56

The arista is not long haired, so Cacoxenus might come in to mind, but it is not a species I know. Maybe an introduced species?

Posted by Carnifex on 23-09-2023 19:34

Cacoxenus perspicax is described to have a horizontal bar in the eyes

Posted by Jan Maca on 23-09-2023 20:07

That fly can be a Phortica (subg. Sinophthalmus) sp. It is not P. (S.) picta which I know. Except of P. (S.) picta there is one more described P. (S.) species, one described subspecies and a number of not yet studied taxa. Distribution from SW USA to S. America. Also I do not exclude Cacoxenus (subg. Gitonides). If the specimen is available, I would like to study it, also I can arrange its DNA sequencing (most of its body can stay preserved if needed so).

Edited by Jan Maca on 23-09-2023 20:13

Posted by Carnifex on 23-09-2023 21:28

unfortunately the fly hasn't been caught.

I had excluded Phortica because the antennae do not seem to be plumose

Edited by Carnifex on 23-09-2023 22:38

Posted by Andrzej on 24-09-2023 11:33

Really, the arista is rather bare or short pubescent... Maybe we should check the key to the Afrotropical genera?

Posted by Jan Maca on 24-09-2023 13:49

Both P. (Sinophthalmus) and C. (Giitonides) have micropubescet arista. Still you are right with C. (Gitonides) - after consultation of literature I realized that some characters testify for its affiliation to C. (Gitonides) (lacking frontal keel, costa developed only up to r2+3). Maybe you are even right with C. (G.) perspicax, still unrecorded from Canary Islands, but note that there are more than ten species of C. (G.) in Africa - e. g. C.(G.) apidoxenus, described from Senegal...

Edited by Jan Maca on 24-09-2023 19:17

Posted by Carnifex on 24-09-2023 22:17

Thanks for the detailed information!