Thread subject: :: Ulidiidae? => Opomyzidae, Group Geomyza annae, G. balachowskyi, G. hackmani, G. martineki

Posted by Siegfried Rudolf on 29-08-2023 22:58

Hello everyone,

I photographed this little fly today in southwest Germany on the bank of a stream. Is it possible to determine it? I estimate the size at 3 to 4 mm.

Greetings Siggi

Edited by Siegfried Rudolf on 09-09-2023 09:36

Posted by Siegfried Rudolf on 29-08-2023 22:58

pic. 2

Posted by Andrzej on 29-08-2023 23:00

Opomyzidae, genus Geomyza

Posted by Siegfried Rudolf on 29-08-2023 23:05

Embarrassing, I haven't even found the right family yet...

Thank you very much Andrzej

Posted by Jan Willem on 31-08-2023 10:05

Difficult to be sure which species you are dealing with. It belongs to the group including Geomyza annae/G. balachowskyi/G. hackmani/G. martineki. The dark subscutellum would indicate this is not G. balachowskyi. Wing is a bit wider in G. martineki, compared to the other species, but that's difficult to properly judge. Did you collect the specimen?

Posted by Siegfried Rudolf on 09-09-2023 09:29

Hello Jan,

please excuse my late answer. Thank you for the additional information. They are very interesting to me. I didn't collect the animal. I just take photos.

Greetings Siggi