Thread subject: :: Tachinidae indet. - Prosena siberita ?
Posted by Birgit2 on 23-08-2023 17:23
16.08.2023, Deutschland, Hanau, koordinaten:50.1114, 8.96035tk25 raster:5819/4
former Military training area maintained by Przewalski's horses, steppe area.
Could it be Prosena siberita ?
There is only this one picture.
Best regards
Edited by Birgit2 on 24-08-2023 07:52
Posted by eklans on 24-08-2023 08:04
Hallo Birgit, your image is not included.
The filename must not include spaces... Look here:
Posted by Birgit2 on 28-08-2023 08:29
Hallo eklans,
Unfortunately, I can't find any errors on my part. There are no spaces in the file name and the file is not larger than 302KB. picture is attached.
What am I doing wrong?
Edited by Birgit2 on 28-08-2023 09:45
Posted by eklans on 28-08-2023 08:39
Hallo Birgit, you should not click on [Preview Reply] - use only [Post Reply]. Hope, this helps.
Posted by Birgit2 on 01-09-2023 08:45
eklans wrote:
Hallo Birgit, you should not click on [Preview Reply] - use only [Post Reply]. Hope, this helps.