Thread subject: :: Sciomyzidae male->Pherbellia ventralis

Posted by nielsyese on 07-07-2023 20:03

This Sciomyzidae male I caught the 18th of May in Nuth, the Netherlands. Probably I am taking a wrong way somewhere in the key, as I arrive to a species for which the genitalia do not fit.

Do you have any ideas by the pictures (including genitalia pictures)?


Edited by nielsyese on 29-09-2023 16:35

Posted by nielsyese on 28-09-2023 20:35

Does somebody have an idea?

Posted by Fred Fly on 29-09-2023 07:54

Pherbellia ventralis

Posted by nielsyese on 29-09-2023 16:35

Thank you!