Thread subject: :: Opesia grandis ? ---> Opesia sp. (det. Theo Zeegers)

Posted by Pietro on 19-03-2023 07:15

Italy, Sardinia, Alghero (SS)
21/VI/2022 on Eryngium campestre
Opesia not reported for Sardinia!

Edited by Pietro on 19-03-2023 21:59

Posted by Pietro on 19-03-2023 07:17

Photo 2

Posted by Pietro on 19-03-2023 07:18

Photo 3

Posted by Pietro on 19-03-2023 07:21

Juergen Peters wrote:

better try in the regular (not Syrphidae) forum... ;)

Posted by Pietro on 19-03-2023 07:22

Pietro wrote:

Posted by Zeegers on 19-03-2023 10:30

Definitely an Opesia ! Need to check the species.


Posted by Zeegers on 20-03-2023 12:26

Yes, definitely looks like O. grandis.


Posted by Pietro on 23-03-2023 18:35

Thanks Theo!