Thread subject: :: Male of Pipizella virens ? --> Pipizella sp., perhaps viduata

Posted by kuv on 15-03-2023 13:47

Northern Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Halstenbek near Hamburg, area of tree nursery, small earthwall (overgrown with small bushes like hazel, maple, roses, sloes, brambles) under big oaks, length of the fly: 7,0 mm; found at a leaf of Prunus padus, 31th of May 2022 (Outside photos: Kuv).
Checking the Diptera Gallery I think the picture of Pipizella virens looks like "my" fly (s. https://diptera.i...to_id=5691). Is my idea ok? Please help to get the ID.
Greeting Kuv

Edited by kuv on 25-03-2023 14:36