Thread subject: :: Male of Pipizella virens ? --> Pipizella sp., perhaps viduata

Posted by kuv on 15-03-2023 13:47

Northern Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Halstenbek near Hamburg, area of tree nursery, small earthwall (overgrown with small bushes like hazel, maple, roses, sloes, brambles) under big oaks, length of the fly: 7,0 mm; found at a leaf of Prunus padus, 31th of May 2022 (Outside photos: Kuv).
Checking the Diptera Gallery I think the picture of Pipizella virens looks like "my" fly (s. https://diptera.i...to_id=5691). Is my idea ok? Please help to get the ID.
Greeting Kuv

Edited by kuv on 25-03-2023 14:36

Posted by kuv on 15-03-2023 13:48

2nd picture:

Posted by kuv on 15-03-2023 13:48

3rd picture:

Posted by kuv on 15-03-2023 13:49

4th picture:

Posted by JWV on 15-03-2023 18:02


Pipizella is only safely identified by examination of the male genitalia. It's the best to note it as Pipizella spec. If you collected it and extracted the genitalia, ID to species level is possible.

Best, Jonne

Posted by kuv on 15-03-2023 21:59

Hi Jonne,
thank you very much for your answer. I had been afraid to read such result, but it's - of course - ok!
Greetings Kuv

Posted by Karsten Thomsen on 23-03-2023 18:17

In Denmark, only viduata and virens have been recorded so far. This one is not virens, since the hairs on the hind tibia are too short. It could be viduata, but whether other spp. with simitar appearance are found around Hamburg I don't know.

Posted by kuv on 25-03-2023 14:35

Thank you very much Karsten :). Yes, I agree, it could be P. viduata but I cannot rule out other hoverflies for the region Hamburg. So I'll change headline in: "perhaps P. viduata".
Greetings Kuv