Thread subject: :: Tachinidae, Gonia

Posted by varganimrod on 08-02-2023 14:18

Hello! This was found by Attila Ócsag in Hungary, 2022.03.26. I think that this is Gonia divisa, because of the last stripe in the abdomen what is narrow. But I have seen some pictures about Gonia ornata, and in those photoes, there were also narrow stripes. Can you help me please, what is the difference between these two species? Is this really divisa?

Posted by varganimrod on 08-02-2023 14:18


Posted by varganimrod on 08-02-2023 14:19


Posted by Zeegers on 08-02-2023 20:56

You can see many mistakes on the internet, don’t worry.

This is divisa for the reasons given bynyou.


Posted by varganimrod on 08-02-2023 22:30

Thank you very much!