Thread subject: :: Tachinidae: Hyperaea sanguinea

Posted by ESant on 06-08-2022 12:22


I photographed this fly near Casteddu Etzu (OR), Sardinia, Italy, on June 8th 2022. I'm not sure if it is a Tachinidae or Rhinophoridae. Could you please help me to identify its genus or species from these photos?

Thank you in advance,

Edited by ESant on 07-08-2022 13:59

Posted by ESant on 06-08-2022 12:23

Photo 2:

Posted by eklans on 06-08-2022 13:52

Hi Emanuele, I think it's Eriothrix sp., Tachinidae, but not rufomaculata, which is very common here, but possibly a female of the South European species like E. apennina (occiput only black setae, tergites at least basally dusted).

Posted by Zeegers on 06-08-2022 17:40

The pattern on thoracic dorsum is very different from Eriothrix in and in any case, there is a petiole in the wing venation so it would have been rufomaculata. Also, the first two antennal segments are orange, not black.
But, as said, I don’t think it is Eriothrix. I am inclining towards a Zeuxia, yes, some of these have red sidemarkings on tergites. Need to check the collection.


Posted by Zeegers on 06-08-2022 17:41

Also, the legs are very long, suggesting either Dexiini or Minthoini.


Posted by eklans on 06-08-2022 17:58

Oops, I've just recognized, that my Mintho rufiventris have the petiole, too.
Thanks, Theo!

Posted by Zeegers on 07-08-2022 12:48

It is Hyperaea sanguinea, already known from Sardinia.


Posted by ESant on 07-08-2022 13:59

Nice! Thank you both very much!